Friday, January 25, 2013

We've reached Picky Eater status!

My daughter is quickly approaching two year old status (March to be exact) and I would dub her the typical "picky eater" that I was hoping she wouldn't become. Many books, articles and other know-it-all parents warn you that it will happen... I still thought we would avoid it. Besides, I'm not one that likes hearing another mom brag about her child's good eating habits. 

My daughter followed the "right" path to being a good eater. Breast-fed, started solids at 4 months old, introduced to all of the veggies and "green" foods as well as many fruits, was introduced to kid foods of all kinds. But at 14 months old, she hit a wall and became the exclusively fruit and yogurt eating toddler. And at 22 months old, she still wont eat anything green, any veggies unless I hide them in rice, or any meat. She loves carbs, dairy and fruit. But that's it. If I could just sneak some vegetables into her preferred food groups, we'd be golden!

For any parents that have the same issue as me, which I'm sure there are millions of, you might all find this book a good read. At the very least, it gives you something to think about or try that you might not have done yet. And it certainly validates that you are not the only one dealing with the picky eater. 

This book is available on Amazon!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Making An Alphabet Book

When my daughter was born in 2011, I wanted to find a way to capture a year's worth of photos in a snapshot. I was on Shutterfly making christmas cards for her first christmas, and stumbled upon the photo book templates they provide. I thought, what a great idea. A year's worth of ABC's to illustrate her life.

 Shutterfly provides a template with lots of additions you can choose, from page backgrounds to stickers. The template was very easy to customize. Our family members loved getting these as Christmas presents and it's become an annual tradition. I, once again, went back this year and created a completely different looking 2012 ABC book using the same template.

These are just a few samples pages of my first go-round with the project. 2012's book came out a little better, since I knew in advance to prep for what each letter would stand for. I choose to include some photos of events that take place throughout the year, and also stage some of my own.

If your interested in creating one of these photo memory books, check out the photo book templates at Shutterfly!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mastering the Tree picture...

While certainly not mastered, I'm slowly learning how to get those christmas pictures of the munchkin in front of the christmas tree that I have always hoped of taking. I am still a beginner at the photo taking and haven't found the time to take a course on it yet since I got my new camera. So for now I am playing around with different settings and seeing what I come up with. But the pictures below is proof that I am getting closer to figuring it out!